*If you’d like to read blog posts prior to November, 2013, please visit my past blog site at www.jamieelmer.wordpress.com. Thanks!
(Internet here today was too slow to up load pictures - next time I'll include extras of San Juanico)
Its been almost two weeks since we left California, and it took a good week before the “effects” of traveling started to sink in. I’ve noticed the last couple of days, that I’m not thinking about, or worried about the same things that I was fixated on for the last few months before leaving for this trip. My mind feels more clear, and certainly more focused on the day, not the future or past. I feel a deeper sense of relaxation setting in - more than I’ve felt in a long while. I also feel incredibly sore since I’ve spent the last two days TRYING to surf! (new to it)
We arrived in San Juanico a few days ago. A place Tobin had traveled to for surfing years ago. We’ve camped here for three nights and were lucky enough to time the visit with a swell that is conducive for surfing. Since being here we’ve met some really nice people, and other travelers around our age. We came on this trip with one surf board, thinking we would share it, since I had only tried surfing one other time. After our first morning here, we knew we should each have our own board. We went in to town, went to the surf shop we had been instructed to go to. It was closed. There was a board sitting our front, propped up along the side of the building. Tobin said, “that would be perfect for you”. We walked around trying to find someone who knew when the shop would open. We were about to leave, and the owner came out. Longish story short, we got this used board, the one just sitting there, for a really excellent price, and it seems to be just my size! I didn’t become a pro over night, but it was really fun for the last two days to have my very own first surf board, with dings, sun discoloration and all!
I’ve spent most of my evenings working on my continued education manual. Its form and content are all taking shape, slowly but slowly! My mind continues to doubt me doing this still, but I’m determined. I must get this material, and this vision thats in my mind on to paper and out there to work with others. Now is the time, now is the time, now is the time.
For more pics and commentary on the trip, check out Tobin’s site at www.velomountain.com