*If you’d like to read blog posts prior to November, 2013, please visit my past blog site at www.jamieelmer.wordpress.com. Thanks!
*This post written over a week ago....
Last week we had an unexpected, and fun turn of events. We were camping just for one night in Ciudad Constitution after leaving San Juanico/Scorpion Bay, and the only other people at the camp site were a couple we had met in Loreto. We got all set up for the night, the wi-fi didn’t work, so the four of us got to talking. Hours passed with our new friends, Lesley and Yves. From there, we traveled together for a number of days down the west coast of Baja. Having two rigs we felt safe to travel off road in to a couple of camp sites that aren’t “official” or on a map. We all had some fun times…...one memorable night in particular, as we were sitting around the campfire, Lesley was bit by a scorpion. Yes, a scorpion. Afterwards, we joked about the next person who had a scorpion on them couldn’t move until one of us was able to get a picture. Well, about 20 minutes later, Yves had a scorpion on his leg! He DID move fast, brushed it off and killed it. Sorry scorpion - and unfortunately, no picture of either scorpion was taken that night.
*For more pics and writing, visit Tobin's site at www.velomountain.com
Goats on way to San Juanico |
More goats! |
This one was so photogenic.... |
River crossing - go Dakota! |
Documenting the river crossing |
Finally, some greenery near San Isidro |
Our out of the way spot with new friends - note their rig - Yves made the entire things himself |