Greetings! For nearly the past three weeks, I've been in Southern Oregon, teaching at Rasa Yoga Center. Its been so nice to be at a studio, and in a community long enough to get to know people a little more than in a quick, in and out, Teacher Training or Workshop weekend. Thanks for having me!
While here, in addition to teaching classes, I've worked with quite a few students one on one. I love these sessions. One of the things I've given people as Om work lately, as part of their "yoga prescription", is to walk backwards. This may sound strange at first, but walking backwards is an absolutely great way to balance many imbalances in our gait/walk. In our every day life, so much of what we do strengthens and tightens the front of the body, and weakens our back body. When we walk backwards, we automatically start to stretch our calves, stretch our thighs and hip flexors, and strengthen our hamstrings and glutes. If your back is a bit sore from too much sitting (in your car, a desk, the couch!) get up and take a little walk backwards. Chances are, you'll feel better right away. Walking backwards is highly under rated and under used. Try it out....
From here in Oregon, I'll be headed to Los Angeles to teach next week - public classes, one on one instruction and my back bend workshop! Please see my schedule page above for my class schedule and details on the workshop. Thanks. Hope to see you soon!