Greetings from Steamboat Springs, CO where we’ve spent more time this summer than originally planned, and happy for every day of it!
Morning on Rabbit Ears Pass near Steamboat Springs, CO |
Its a trailer, its a home, its in a great camping spot, and.... |
Its also an outside practice room!
Recently, my yoga practice has gone through significant changes. My physical practice used to be filled with “Vinyasas”, strength building poses, and everything that I could possibly think of that was “hard”. Times have changed for me both mentally and physically. My body isn’t the same as it was ten years ago, and my mind and emotions have changed even more. (thank god!) These days, I feel its more important than ever to bring cardio and strength building in to my life, although not through my asana practice, but instead through mountain biking, hiking and outdoor activities. My asana practice is quieter than ever, and that’s hard for me. For so many years, I’ve been drawn towards physical activities that were challenging. The challenge has always made me feel as if I’m being “productive” and really “accomplishing something” (ha!). On the flip side, always practicing in a challenging way is a distraction for what comes up in the quieter times. Recently, I’m craving a quieter practice and meditation. This type of asana practice feels like exactly what I need right now, but does not feel like my nature. What feels “normal” to me, is an internal dialogue like “I’m fine. I can do this. I can handle anything”. This goes along with an asana practice that is based on strength. As time goes on, I realize, I can’t handle anything and everything, and a slower, soften asana practice is showing me that I don’t have to. In the past I felt wimpy and unproductive when I practiced any physical activity that was slower. A softer practice is my daily guide right now in really listening to my instincts, and not simply operating from my usual place of handling everything. We need the gamut when it comes to physical activity,and thankfully, I’m ready to incorporate a softer practice that teaches me more about myself now, and not continue to operate from who I was 15 years ago.