This phrase popped in to my head a couple of days ago when I was visiting a great friend of mine, Keri. We both drove over four hours from our new homes (mine in CO, her’s in MT) to meet for a night in Casper, Wyoming. Along the way we hit some “traffic” (see sheep picture below), but made it there in time to spend some quality time together. After all, I had to see her six and a half months pregnant! On my way home, the phrase “Home is where your heart is” kept going through my head. I feel like my heart is in so many places, and with so many people. After the past six years of many moves and much traveling, I feel like I have homes all over this country and that my heart is also at home with so many people I love and care about. Our heart can be in many places at once, and it feels good to have connections with places and people outside of my everyday environment. Seeing Keri, a very important person in my life, reminded me, once again, to let people know more often, how I feel about them, how much I think of them and how much I love them. I feel grateful to have people in my life that I care about so much, and that when I’m with them, even in Casper, Wyoming for just one night, I feel right at home.
In teaching news:
I have a new class ready to practice with on YogisAnonymous. Just follow this link for a “Vinyasa flow class without the Vinyasa” (this type of practice will help lessen the strain on your lower back, wrists, neck and shoulders)